Thursday, August 19, 2010
Thursday, November 13, 2008
The wealth secret nobody told you about
My friends, the BMW audiobook CD currently sells for $100 (Canadian dollars), and you can read more details HERE. In this post, I will explain in detail what the BMW secret knowledge is about, and also offer you the opportunity to buy it for only $10. (This special offer is ONLY for subscribers of this blog and their friends).
Many people have bought my BMW audiobook already, and I congratulate them heartily because the secret knowledge contained in that single CD will save them YEARS of hard work, frustration, stress and totally misguided thinking about business, finance, economics and wealth.
Just take a look at what's going on in the U.S. and you'll have an idea of the enormous misunderstanding that most people have about money, work and wealth.
In a nutshell, people really DO NOT KNOW how to create value. If they did, they would NEVER accept to have a job, for they could create value from the comfort of their own home and then ship or deliver electronically that value to thousands of customers worldwide (as I am currently doing -- I have 998 connections on Linkedin in over 30 countries, and those connections are not just customers, they are distributors of my products to THEIR network of 500+ connections!).
In other words, the BMW knowledge clarifies people's mind about what, precisely, business is all about: innovation X marketing. It's really that simple.
And yet, if you don't get it, then you will be forced to work for someone else till age 65.
I retired from corporate America at age 31, and over the last 8 years, I've had nothing but fun. It was not always easy, of course, since I had to search long and hard for the SECRET of wealth, but I did it. I found the secret, and that is the secret I'm sharing with you in that BMW audiobook.
But that secret is not a sentence or a statement, it's a certain understanding of how value is created and then monetized. You've got to PRACTICE it in order to KNOW it.
To help people PRACTICE the BMW doctrine, I even created a FREE ecourse which all buyers of the BMW audiobook can receive, once a week, so they can apply what they've learned. Below is the curriculum of that ecourse (delivered by email).
But unless you buy the BMW audiobook, you cannot take that FREE ecourse, which I normally charge $300 for. Students get to do assignments and they receive my feedback, guidance and corrective comments.
Now, why would I offer both the BMW audiobook, now priced at $100, and this ecourse (value of $300) for the ridiculous price of $10?
Because I care about you.
And I know that you care about success, especially financial success. Otherwise, you would not have subscribed to this blog.
Sure, money doesn't buy happiness, but it certainly makes your life really, really, really comfortable and pleasant as you search for happiness.
And if you are a parent, you DEFINITELY and ABSOLUTELY must buy the BMW audiobook for if you don't have the knowledge, you cannot teach your kids. And trust me, they WILL suffer professionally and financially if they don't know the BMW secret.
I was the Valedictorian of my high school, and always a top student at college and university. In fact, at McGill University, several business professors told me I was one of their top students. I had an "A" average.
Yet, even I did not "get" business and had to figure it out for myself through a lot of readings (about 800 books) and countless hours of meditation and reflection.
Anyways, I strongly recommend that you get the BMW audiobook, for only $10. Just email me your mailing address at peter@powerknowledge.net and make the $10 payment at http://www.sureforms.net/peterswork.form (please make sure you enter the "$10.00" amount).
Forward this offer to all your friends and relatives, and they can benefit from the special offer too. Thank you.
Email 1: Explain in one page your understanding of the BMW system
Email 2: Create a template time sheet with only four codes: M, S, P and W (time wasted)
Email 3: Write one page describing your target client (probable client)
Email 4: Write a one-page procedure on how you create Marketing Campaigns
Email 5: Create an Excel spreadsheet listing potential clients, probable clients, contact info, solutions suggested, need inferred, need validated
Email 6: Create a one-page sales methodology
Email 7: Create a one-page description of how you produce value, both proactively without having any client and reactively (in response to client orders)
Email 8: Explain in one page all the things that could go wrong with your marketing system, and how you preemptively prevent or reduce those risks of process failure
Email 9: Explain in one page all the things that could go wrong with your selling system, and how you preemptively prevent or reduce those risks of process failure
Email 10: Explain in one page all the things that could go wrong with your producing system, and how you preemptively prevent or reduce those risks of process failure
Email 11: Create an Excel dashboard measuring your M, S and P performance every week
Friday, December 14, 2007
Why blog? Because you want to...
Friday, September 21, 2007
74. Write to empower others, not to promote yourself
Saturday, September 8, 2007
72. Blogging will develop your expertise, hence your market value
That's because a knowledge base (in the form of a book, blog, articles, etc.) will allow you to continually test and validate your knowledge. Equally important, it allows you to know what it is that you know.
Blogging is one of the easiest, most fun and convenient way of packaging your knowledge and share it with the world (or with your allies).
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
71. You don't know it if you can't write clearly about it
I'm easier than him. I would say that you don't master a subject if you can't write about it on ONE sheet of paper.
Test yourself: think of a subject that you really master. Now, write a paragraph about it. Make sure that paragraph captures the most valuable knowledge you have regarding that subject matter.
Here's my secret, which I'll freely share with you: If you can write a paragraph, then you can write a chapter. If you can write a chapter, you can write a book. If you can write a book, then you can create a workshop and make easy money like I do right now. (Oh, and I'm meeting a few licensing agents to sell my intellectual capital on a yearly basis so I can make money while I'm sleeping).
The truth is, it's easier than ever to make money, especially with Mister Internet as your 24/7 publisher!
But you know what stops people from becoming rich? Prejudice. They have something against writing. Yet, until they write down ONE paragraph (that's not too much to ask, isn't it?!), they will never understand how other people have become so rich by simply sharing their knowledge (Anthony Robbins, Robert Allen, Jay Abraham, Joe Vitale, etc.).
To get rich, one must get serious. And the first step is to write down on a piece of paper what you know. Next, share it with the entire world (via a blog).
Coming up next: How to work ONCE and collect money FOREVER.
Monday, April 2, 2007
70. Write to capture your knowledge succinctly
They are masters of what I call the art of "knowledge writing." Through their literary skills, they can capture knowledge very succinctly in order to impart maximum knowledge in the minimum number of words.
Also, they are able to explain complex subjects by using simple words and simple, short sentences.
Every blogger should strive to achieve similar standards of literary excellence.
69. Godaddy.com for registering your domain name
It's not even necessary to get a webhosting service, since you can, for a small fee, forward all visitors of your domain name (e.g. www.johnsmith.com) to a blog hosted free of charge on Blogger (www.johnsmith.blogspot.com).
68. Why you should number your posting
However, these sites assume that you have already done the important task of organizing your knowledge in a way that enables, encourages or helps people to ask you better questions.
This is why I recommend that you number your postings, as I do on this blog. This way, people can just email you or call you, and ask: "Your posting #68 sounds intriguing, can you tell me more about it?"
A second reason why I number my postings is that the numbering somehow drives me to write more. The increasing numbers make me feel like I've got some momentum, and this encourages me psychologically to keep on writing so as to get to #100, then #200, etc.
I have one blog where I wrote 1,000 postings, and another where I reached 530. It sure feels great!
67. You only understand what you can explain
I think that similarly, if you can't explain to people a topic on which you consider yourself an expert, then you probably don't understand it. Not understanding what you know, makes it that much harder to sell to employers the idea that you are indeed an expert.
It's basically the difference between education and credentialism. For instance, some people master business enough to teach it to first-time entrepreneurs. They truly have a business education, and can prove it by teaching their knowledge.
Others who may have an MBA, but have never taught business, cannot know for sure that they do indeed understand business. This is the "credentialism" trap that most people, unfortunately, fall into. They pay a lot of money and spend a lot of time to get a paper degree.
Anyways, writing a blog is the ultimate test. It proves that you are an expert (assuming that you have at least 100 subscribers). Furthermore, it proves to future clients and employers that you are a passionate individual who is committed to continuous refinement of his/her knowledge, in order to better serve them.
Sunday, March 11, 2007
66. Blogging allows you to leverage Linkedin more effectively
Whether you have 800 connections or only 20, they will ask themselves that question. Indeed, your value lies in the knowledge you have.
And if you don't have a blog, then people will just assume that a) you don't know much, b) you might know a lot, but you are not interested in sharing your knowledge, or c) you know a lot and are willing to share, but don't have writing skills.
Neither of the above conclusions can do much good for your professional reputation!
And yet, the overwhelming majority of Linkedin users do not have a blog, and that is a career mistake.
"Who you know" only matters AFTER you've taken care of "What you know."
It's like owning a radio station. What good is it if your song is not good? If your song is bad, people will turn off the radio the minute you begin singing.
In other words, "what you know" is your VALUE, and "who you know" is the way to LEVERAGE that value.
The following equation can help you see things more clearly:
Return = Value X Leverage
The return on career activities is equal to your value (or knowledge) times the number of people who benefit from it (or the number of channels through which you deliver valuable knowledge to people who are interested to receive it).
If you don't have a blog, then your value is 0. Any number multiplied by zero still equals zero.
In short, the return you get from your career development activities is:
Return = What you know X Who you know
65. What if you blog and nobody reads you?
Even then, you STILL win.
That's because you will realize that what you currently know is not worth much. Indeed, if nobody subscribes to your blog (i.e. give you their email address so they can receive your postings straight into their email box -- check www.realtimesuccesssecrets.blogspot.com for an example of such a Subscribe button), then it simply means people don't value your knowledge.
You still win because at least, now you can do something about your knowledge. You can read more books, you can talk to and learn from knowledgeable people, you can attend workshops, etc.
Why would you do the above which, after all, requires effort and money?
Because without valuable knowledge, you simply CANNOT survive in the new competitive economy.
Most people make the mistake of thinking that just because they have a job, they must know something. Wrong. Employees are hired to execute written procedures developed by the company. The knowledge or knowhow, more often than not, is contained in those procedures.
If and when the valuable knowledge is contained in employees' heads, most of them are still incapable of turning all that tacit knowledge into explicit knowledge that can be shared (even sold) to others.
This is why blogging is so useful: it forces you to turn your tacit (in your head) knowledge into explicit (in the world) knowledge. Only then will you know, for sure, the value of your knowledge and do something about it.
And this is important, because all great and profitable careers are based on the valuable -- and, to a certain extent, exclusive -- knowledge of the careerist.
64. The more you write, the more your writing will write for you
Consider, for instance, how a single and small seed can become a huge oak tree.
All you have to do is plant that seed. Your mind is such a seed, and you have to "plant" it in cyberspace if you want it to grow.
Your blog is just a vehicle that allows you to insert your mind into this giant space where anything can happen.
As you share your ideas and knowledge, people will come to you and ask you questions. Those questions themselves will drive your mind to further develop.
As you build your mind, so your career or business will be built.
63. Your blog may be more valuable than your job
In other words, they trade their time for money (a paycheck), yet they are NOT building anything for the long-term for themselves or their families. Rather, they help business owners built the structural capital that will ensure that THEY (the business owners) get richer and richer.
Indeed, ANYTHING that you build in the course of doing your job belongs to the employer: procedures, plans, reports, ideas, patents, innovations, etc.
Smart people, however, don't trade their time for money. They are building tools that will allow them to create more and more value while working less and less.
In the short term, your blog may not be worth much. But in the long term, if you play the game carefully, your blog can become your single greatest career asset: it serves to not only increase your (perceived and actual) market value, but it also expands your employment or contracting opportunities.
Indeed, becoming rich is a matter of either increasing the value you offer to clients (today, most of that value resides in the knowledge in your head or your systems), or increasing the number of clients that you serve.
Blogging allows you to increase BOTH.
Your job, most likely, allows you to increase NEITHER.
62. How to evaluate a posting you just wrote
If not, it's a good idea to rewrite your posting to include more useful and/or valuable information that you are tempted to charge for (but, of course, will give away for free).
Oh, here's the valuable information I'm giving away for free: read Curtis Carlon's book on Innovation. It really teaches people HOW to create innovations that will bring in a lot of $$$.
61. Time is money?
In other words, people will always give you a lot of their time BEFORE they give you a little of their money.
But they will ONLY give you their time IF you have something valuable to share with them.
Your ranting, opinion, literary ambition, vanity, biographical details, etc. do NOT concern them. They only want valuable knowledge from you, the blogger.
The following advice to aspiring public speakers seems to apply to bloggers as well: "Be brief, be eloquent, be seated."
60. Joe Vitale on hypnotic writing
Saturday, March 10, 2007
59. Knowledge is power. Knowledge shared, is power multiplied.
Indeed, when you mindlessly surf the Net, you basically waste time. Information, even when it is free, ALWAYS costs time (i.e. reading takes time).
Instead, why not use the Internet to SERVE people? Sure, they may not pay you right away, but if you write what they want to know, then you increase their trust in you. Result? They will come to you when, in the near future, they have a need for services that you offer.
People who just surf the Net, without using the Net to serve other people, simply don't understand how to use the Web to create value and, ultimately, become rich.
Zig Ziglar put it best: "You can have everything you want in life, if you help enough other people get what they want in life."
We live in a society of "information overload," so what people really, really want is concise and precise knowledge so they can improve their lives, their careers, their relationships.
Blogging is the best way to provide that knowledge, by sharing your expert knowledge.
Wednesday, March 7, 2007
58. What I learned from Journalism School
What I learned in Feature Writing is that you've got to write stories from one of the following angles:
- Progress (in society, in science, etc.)
- Consequences
- Major problem
- Solution to that problem
- Technology
- Celebrities
- Heartstrings
- Human interest
- Trends
- Conflict
57. Edutainment is the key to success
However, his show is also quite entertaining, with dramatic music, vivid visuals and dynamic audience participation.
He has truly mastered the art of "edutainment": education + entertainment.
People who carefully watch and systematically learn from entertaining educators like Oprah and Dr Phil, won't have too much trouble launching and running a successful blog.
It's all about teaching people something new or important, while entertaining them at the same time. People just love it.
55. To blog or not to blog, that is THE question!
The most powerful application on the Web is the blogging application (from Blogger, Wordpress, etc.).
That's because a blog is nothing less than a sales pitch in disguise. If you learn how to write hypnotic blogs, then you can sell your products and/or services.
Realistically, though, you will be quite mediocre at the beginning. People will read your blogs and go, "Oh, boy, I hope this guy didn't quit his day job!"
But don't worry. We all have to be bad at something before we can become good at it.
Keep reading this blog, and I will share secrets with you about how to write so that people cannot stop reading you.
56. The most courageous decision you will ever make
This reality is revealed by the simple question, "What exactly do you know?"
In other words, what valuable knowledge do you have?
For people who have a lot of useful and practical knowledge, the decision to blog is an easy one.
For people who do not have a lot of useful and practical knowledge, the decision is harder. Indeed, you could decide to write a blog but, like hundreds of thousands of other people, you might find out, after a dozen postings, that you really don't have much to say.
You come face to face with an embarrassing fact: you don't have that much knowledge.
Don't worry, that's okay. In such situations, you have two options:
- You can focus on what you know, and then use methods to systematically refine what you know into finer and finer knowledge so you have an endless supply of new content to write about (more later on this technique)
- You can stop blogging, and start reading books on your favorite topic(s) so as to seriously build your knowledge base
Monday, March 5, 2007
54. Why does this blog have a black background?
It's just to remind myself that a blog is like a blackboard, through which I teach stuff to people. That is, a blog is a place where a person should share valuable knowledge, NOT personal opinions!
If you can teach your stuff through a blog, you can become rich while feeling that you made the world a better place.
52. Your blog is your nuclear weapon (of mass instruction, not destruction)
The same metaphor can be used in writing a blog if you continually refine your statements into finer and finer distinctions. This is the easiest way to systematically create NEW knowledge.
For example, let's way I write something like "Using Linkedin is a good idea to develop one's career."
I can then "refine" that sentence by splitting it into two distinctive sentences:
1. Using Linkedin is a good idea to develop one's career THROUGH NETWORKING
The above "nuclear" method of generating content, is just one of the many, many methods I use as a writer.
Writer's block is a myth or it might be a convenient excuse for writers who are too lazy to use systematic methods for generating ideas and knowledge.
The fact is, any normal person can create new knowledge by continually refining his/her original statements. Of course, these statements should be about a field where you have a fair amount of knowledge and experience.
53. How to create powerful visuals and diagrams from Open Office Draw
51. The secret behind Isaac Asimov's incredible literary productivity
Then, they create paragraphs from those sentences, and chapters from those paragraphs. Finally, by assembling those chapters, they hopefully get a decent book.
That, my friend, has been the secret behind Isaac Asimov's astonishing productivity as a writer. He published 300 books in his lifetime. His secret has been to focus on one sentence at a time, by using an electric typewriter (he never used a word processor). He wrote that his secret was to write as simply as possible, the way he would speak.
That's why I always tell people, "If you can speak, you can write a blog." Nobody expects to find Hemingway-quality blogs on the Internet!
They just want to know what you know. And you can make a fortune by sharing, one sentence at a time, the valuable knowledge you have.
46. opportunityisnowhere
No matter how you first read the above sentence, it doesn't mean you are a negative or positive person. It just means that there are two different ways of reading that sentence.
Same thing with blogging. Some people will say that it's just a fad, that it won't last long, that it's not profitable so it's not worth investing time in learning how to blog.
Other people will see the blog as an opportunity to promote their knowledge, expertise, experience and other career assets. They will see it as a platform for interactively communicating with career allies, potential clients, prospective employers, etc.
In the end, what a blog is does not matter as much as how you use it to your own advantage. The key is to identify the strategic factors and issues that will determine whether your blog will help you achieve your goals in life, in your career or in business.
45. Which is more popular: going to the movie theatre or reading someone's letter to the editor of a newspaper?
In other words, don't start a blog if you want to express your opinion. People don't care, really. Your opinion is not that important (unless you're the Pope, who's leading a billion Catholics all over the world, or unless you're the Chairman of the U.S. Federal Reserve -- I have no clue what he's doing, but he sounds like an important dude).
An opinion, when you think about it, is often a confusing thought. However, nobody would tell their friends: "Do you have some time? I would like to share my confusion with you."
Instead, people say: "Can I tell you my opinion?"
I repeat: If you are serious about making serious money via blogging, you must stop viewing the blog as a place to "share your opinion."
People want knowledge, period. The only time people are interested in opinions is when they are expressing their own!
A blog is useful if and only if you use it as a place to share your conclusions -- that is, where you share valuable knowledge that you independently created (i.e. a conclusion) or borrowed from another source and reformatted it to fit your audience's particular informational needs.
The blog is a place to share your conclusion, not your confusion.
44. If you don't know who you are writing for, they won't know what you are talking about
If you don't know WHO you are writing for, then you cannot possibly know WHAT they need from you. Therefore, you cannot possibly write a good blog, because no matter what you write, it will be irrelevant to their needs and priorities.
Here's an example:
Instead of writing a general blog called "Career Advice", you could write a more specific blog called "Career Advice for Career-Switching Baby Boomers."
The latter is more specific, and will guide you as you research and write high-quality content that is relevant to your audience.
Remember the adage in marketing: The more you segment the market, the more you augment the value.
42. Humour, sex and money
Scientists have discovered that fact through experiments where they subjected a test group of women to comedy movies before introducing them to men. A control group of women did not view funny movies before meeting men.
The results consistently showed that women who had watched funny movies were more receptive sexually than women who did not laugh in the minutes preceding their encounter with men.
Full disclosure: I have to confess that after I discovered that fact, I immediately went to the bookstore to buy a couple of joke books, including Woody Allen's and Jerry Seinfeld's. Yes, it's pathetic, but hey, it worked for me!
So what does humor and sex have to do with making money through blogging?
Well, the lesson is that if you want people to be receptive to your sales pitch (which is called "seduction" in any courtship), then you have to entertain your readers and make them laugh.
Oh, I have a "blonde" joke for you, but it's quite intelligent:
A ventriloquist was giving a show with a wooden puppet sitting on his lap. He had his puppet say horrible things about blond women, about how stupid they were and how vain and silly they can be. Suddenly, a blond woman in the crowd stood up, apparently furious about the comedian's discrimination against blondes. She goes: "Hey, you should be ashamed of yourself! How dare you?! Not all blondes are stupid! For your information, I have a Master's in philosophy and a PhD in literature! What do you say to THAT?!"
The ventriloquist was shocked at her credentials and, visibly embarrassed, began to apologize: "Oh, I'm so sorry... your credentials are quite amazing and..."
The blonde woman immediately interrupted him: "You, shut up! I'm talking to the little guy!"
41. I'm available as a blogging consultant. Hire me or kill me!
I'm making myself available as a blogging consultant for anyone, any company or any international consortium that wishes to leverage the power of the Internet to maximize their strategic advantage via interactive, proactive and preemptive Web-based communications.
I'm not expensive. Just $200 per hour, during which hour I will transfer as much intellectual capital as possible via FTP or good old email so that my clients are totally empowered to use the blog as a lethal marketing weapon to thoroughly obliterate all competitors and scare future entrants into surrendering before they even enter the competitive arena.
I wrote "Hire me or kill me!" in the heading because it is indeed dangerous to let me live if you decide not to hire me. Your competitors might retain my services, in which case the smell of money will force me to give up my vast knowledge which will empower them to preempt you in key markets while flirting with your clients with the criminal intention of stealing them away from you.
However, you have the chance to stop this horrific Shakespearean tragedy from happening by hiring me right now. Your destiny is now in your hands! May Zeus help you in making the right decision!
40. The blog is an instrument of seduction.
Mastering that book alone will turn you into a lethal, hypnotic blogger. Once you discover that awesome source of power, be careful not to use it for evil purposes.
If you do decide to use it for evil purposes and to make a lot of money, then I want my cut, please.
39. Blogging is like stripteasing
On second thought, blogging is more like "script tease." The secret is to write in a sexy tone and to move your fingers over the keyboard in a tantalizing, provocative manner.
The best writers truly master the art of the script tease. Agatha Christie, for instance, mastered language to such an extent that it's almost impossible to put down a book she wrote, once you start reading it.
Scientific studies have found that she used frequently key words like: she, girl, beautiful, suddenly, smiled & kind.
Can you see the connection between those words and the typical strip tease?
I rest my case.
38. How to evaluate a blogging consultant
If, on the other hand, he wrote a book on blogging, then it might be worth your time to talk to him. (Please notice the URL of this blog. Ahem).
Here are several things to keep in mind when you evaluate a blogging consultant:
- Does he have a communications background?
- Does he understand business?
- Is he familiar with the predominant blogging applications and related tools and resources?
- Does he know a lot of beautiful women, and is he willing to introduce you at the earliest opportunity as a gentleman of substance and character?
Studies have clearly shown that at least 80% of the businesses that have filed for bankcruptcy in the last 10 years, have received bad advice at one point or another by "someone's cousin."
37. Strategic blogging issues
Will your blog increase your market value?
Will your blog impress women you date?
Let's start with the most important: How will your blog affect your love life?
35. Don't bet against the Net
While circa 2000, only geeks and greedy VCs would believe such apparently hyped truism, today everybody who has a brain understands that the Internet is here to stay.
If we can't get rid of the Internet and if it will become increasingly more present in our lives -- studies have shown that teenagers spend about 5.5 hours per day online, then we might as well find ways to MAKE MONEY from this globe-spanning network.
Blogging, indeed, can be described as globe-spanning communications. If you know what to write, and whom you are writing for, then there is no reason why you can't become famous and rich.
The first key to success is to write what your specific readers will consider as a quick solution to their informational challenge. The second key to success is to literarily package that information in the form of a bait, so that visitors become readers, and readers become subscribers.
32. Blogging = $$$
First, blogging is bragging because you're actually showing off something. You show off your valuable knowledge. However, it doesn't stop there because if it did, people would just think you are arrogant, and they would hate you.
That's why you have to dramatize your knowledge, or tell stories that entertain.
People love it when you mix education with entertainment. (By the way, isn't it surprising that most educational systems have not yet figured out that the way to stop the high dropout rate is to make learning FUN?)
27. Words vs pictures
23. How to get rich by blogging
- To get $$$ from blogging, you have to learn business.
- Business = Generating leads + closing sales + serving customers
- Blogging = Generating leads
- To generate leads, give away something valuable for FREE
- Therefore: Blogging = Giving away something valuable for FREE
How do you know if the information you're providing on your blog is VALUABLE?
Easy: if you ask visitors to subscribe by providing their name and/or email, and they accept to do it in order to receive your future FREE and VALUABLE content, then your content is indeed VALUABLE in their eyes.
If you do not ask them to subscribe, then you will never know whether your content is valuable. In which case you may be wasting your time blogging.
10. Blog addiction
Look at the wreck that I am, for instance. I've been obsessively blogging for the last 5 years. I even gave a name to my (sweet, precious) keyboard: Kimito.
And I don't remember what my friends look like. (I'm pretty sure they don't remember what I look like either).
In short: I'm a blogaholic still in denial. I'm doomed. Please, stop blogging before it's too late. You have been warned.