Monday, March 5, 2007

51. The secret behind Isaac Asimov's incredible literary productivity

Nobody writes a book. People can only write sentences.

Then, they create paragraphs from those sentences, and chapters from those paragraphs. Finally, by assembling those chapters, they hopefully get a decent book.

That, my friend, has been the secret behind Isaac Asimov's astonishing productivity as a writer. He published 300 books in his lifetime. His secret has been to focus on one sentence at a time, by using an electric typewriter (he never used a word processor). He wrote that his secret was to write as simply as possible, the way he would speak.

That's why I always tell people, "If you can speak, you can write a blog." Nobody expects to find Hemingway-quality blogs on the Internet!

They just want to know what you know. And you can make a fortune by sharing, one sentence at a time, the valuable knowledge you have.

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